There’s no stopping the march of progress. While some consider Moore’s Law obsolete, the fact remains that the IT equipment that fills the world’s data centers and IT supply rooms does “age out” eventually. There’s no getting around the need to replace and upgrade equipment. So how do you ensure that these pricey depreciating assets don’t cost you more than they should? Value recovery is an important part of the answer. Getting your ITAD right is important, more so it’s also important to avoid common ITAD mistakes.

Getting ITAD Right: Nickles and Dimes Add Up to Real Money

Most companies focus on the purchase side of the equation. And they should. If you can find vendors you Fare happy with and equipment you trust at reasonable prices, that can not only save you money but also time and aggravation. 

What most people don’t consider though, is what happens to those laptops, monitors, servers, and the rest when you’re done with them. Different companies have different processes for dealing with items for surplus, but one thing that we see consistently is money being left on the table.

Common ITAD Mistakes: The Biggest Mistakes We See in IT Asset Disposition

How? Well to start with, many companies see their outdated IT assets as a nuisance more than anything else. These companies are most concerned with getting the old equipment out of the way as easily as possible. Expediency is important of course, but sometimes they lose sight of getting the maximum value out of what is still often useful equipment to someone else. 

Even worse, they may lose sight of ensuring adequate data destruction methods are being used on hard drives, SSDs and flash memory. 

The biggest ITAD mistakes we see made when old IT assets are sold off: 

  • Inadequate (or no) data destruction done on drives and flash media.
  • Inventory mistakes by inexperienced ITAD firms or untrained personnel.
  • Failures to properly grade, package and bundle equipment for resale. 
  • Inaccurate assessment of the true value of equipment.

How Brass Valley Handles Your IT Asset Disposition

Brass Valley is truly a one-stop shop when it comes to processing your old IT equipment. Not only do we utilize the most secure NIST 800-88 standard for data destruction–but we also package and sell your equipment efficiently to save you both time and money. 

Our 4-Step IT Asset Disposition Plan Ensures Maximum Value

Step 1: Collection and Categorization

We begin by thoroughly inventorying your equipment and applying our NIST data destruction process. Then we carefully grade each item for function and appearance/condition. We handle everything from desktops and laptops to mobile devices, servers, and NAS to specialty equipment for broadcast, test, and measurement. 

Step 2: Assembling Packages for Resale

The next step is packaging your equipment into lots (for wholesale) or individually (for retail). With 20 years of ITAD experience, we are well-versed in building attractive packages for resale to ensure you get the most value possible from your old equipment. This is a service that most ITAD companies either outsource or do rather haphazardly. Not here. Getting this step right can make thousands of dollars worth of difference to your bottom line.

Step 3: Soliciting Bids for Your Equipment

We work to generate a competitive bidding environment for your IT equipment. Our skilled brokers use auctions, email blasts, phone outreach, specialty websites, and retail outlets nationally and internationally. We are pros at ensuring you get the most value possible from your old equipment by both packaging and bundling it right and getting it in front of the right eyes. 

Step 4: Streamlined Sales Completion

Every sale of your equipment is processed in real-time through our online portal. You can watch your settlements as they come in and we generate settlement reports for each lot that we process. 

Brass Valley: IT Asset Disposition without Compromise

Every company and agency needs to retire and replace laptops, desktops, network equipment and other hardware periodically. When you do, it’s not enough to simply reformat your hard drive, or trust that someone else will handle it without documentation or a chain of custody. 

Brass Valley is arguably the safest ITAD vendor in the U.S. With zero breaches in the over 20 years we’ve been in business, our track record and expertise speak volumes. Our elite 4-step IT asset disposition plan utilizes NIST data destruction protocols, the industry’s gold standard and we package and present your equipment to earn you the best return on your investment possible.

Why settle for anything less than Brass Valley? Find out what Brass Valley can do for you by calling (844) 390-5366 or by submitting your details through our contact page.

Any other questions on Data Center Recycling?

Let us know how we can help with your Data Center Decommissioning and Recycling your Data Center assets.

Feel free to contact us so we can have a Brass Valley ITAD Professional answer every question.

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